Derrick Pipelay / Construction / Accommodation Barge
13,268.31 MT
120.00 m
40.30 m
6.00 m
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2013 built pipelay barge, which boasts a 1600 tonne revolving crane onboard that enables vessel to lay larger pipelines in deeper waters and develop a presence in the heavy-lift market.  In addition, Vessel 1600 tonne crane capacity will be upgraded to 2200 MT and the barge will be equipped with a dynamic positioning system, which will allow laying subsea pipelines and installing platforms in congested oil and gas fields.  Whilst since 2013 Vessel proved its capabilities by successfully completing jacket and deck offshore installation projects for ARAMCO-UAE, India and Middle East, Africa & South America regions. Esteemed Owners scope of services includes: EPC offshore construction, single buoy mooring fabrication and installation, the installation and modification of jacket, topsides and decks; subsea survey and installation, cable laying, salvage and pipe-laying. Further Chartering Enquiries, Contact: [email protected]