Accommodation Barge
6,549 T
7,833 T
2,349 T
91.4 m
(Breadth Moulded) 27.4 m
(Max) 4.5m
Lloyd's Register of Shipping
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SOLD!  This is a Manned, Purpose-Built Accommodation / Work Barge supporting unrestricted offshore service projects for Oil and Gas Exploration, Windmill, Recovery and Platform Maintenance scopes of work globally.

Vessel is operational and is a state-of-the-art asset supporting unrestricted offshore exploration and platform maintenance with a large 1,025 m2 deck area and two (225 Ton and 37 Ton) cranes. The vessel includes a helideck and can accommodate a crew of 290 including 6 offices, recreation rooms, mess hall and onboard medical facility. W2W system installed on-board and is included with sale.